Membership is open to anyone wishing to support the Friends, and we have a range of subscription options which we hope will suit everyone:
Annual Membership Subscription – renewable annually on 1st September (if first subscription is paid after 29th May it will not need renewing until 1st September in the following year)
- Individual (standard) £25
- Individual (in full-time education or unwaged) £15
- Joint (2 adults at same address) £40
- Family (2 adults and up to 3 children at same address) £50
- Organisation £150 (minimum)
Life Membership Subscription
Individual (standard) £250
Joint (2 adults at same address) £400
To become a Member please download a Membership Form, complete and return to Margaret Day, (contact details below)
You can make a one-off payment
Directly by bank transfer to:
- Account Name: Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington
- Sort code: 30-54-66
- Account No: 12128460
- Reference: Membership + your name
By credit/debit card via PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account): use the QR code or click here
By cheque (payable to “Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington”) sent to Margaret Day.
If you want to set up a Standing Order please do so directly with your bank or download a form and return to Margaret Day by post or email.
Margaret Day:
6 Winston Close, Kidlington, OX5 1BP; email: